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Keep moving at work

In this activity participants view and discuss a Napo scene which looks at the benefits of keeping active at work and how this can be achieved.

Ohjeita tiedonvälittäjille
Tarvitsetko apua opiskelun järjestämisessä työpaikallasi?



Participants understand:

  • the importance of remaining active for their health (w)
  • that a lack of exercise can negatively impact on physical health (w,m,s)
  • that building exercise into the working day has positive health benefits. (w,m,s)
  • the benefits to people and organisations of remaining active and encouraging and providing opportunities for workers to be active.(m)

managers (m) supervisors (s) and workers (w)


Facilitator to introduce Napo, encouraging participants to identify the potential for MSDs. Facilitator to encourage participants to share their own experiences using the recommended questions from the following options:

  • What health and safety issues does the film raise? Can you suggest any solutions? (w,m,s)
  • Do you recognise the impact of lack of exercise in the characters? How would you have a conversation with your co-workers about using the stairs or any other active initiative? (w)
  • What opportunities do you have to introduce exercise into your working day? (w,m,s)
  • How could your workplace encourage you to be more active? (w)
  • How do you encourage workers to take exercise eg using stairs instead of an elevator, taking a short break to move around, participate in stretching exercises at their workstation? (m,s)
  • Can you explain the health benefits of regular exercise to your co-workers? (w)
  • Can you explain the cost benefit of introducing routine exercise  into your workplace (w,m,s)
  • Participants  can explain the short and long term benefits of remaining active on a personal and organisational level (w,m,s)
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