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Don't twist — prevent MSDs

This Napo scene looks at the hazards associated with repetitive lifting and twisting movements. In the activity participants discuss the hazards, solutions and how to raise concerns and suggest improvements.

Juhendid juhendajale
Kas vajate abi õppetegevuse korraldamiseks töökohal?



Participants understand:

  • The importance of taking time to identify MSD-related hazards associated with repetitive lifting and twisting movements (w,m,s)
  • How to suggest improvements to work station design that eliminate lifting and twisting movements (w,m,s)
  • The importance of early symptom reporting (w,m,s)
  • The importance of training when necessary (w,m,s)
  • Why they should apply this knowledge both at work and out of work (w,m,s)

managers (m) supervisors (s) and workers (w)


Facilitator to introduce Napo, encouraging participants to identify the potential for MSDs.  Facilitator to encourage participants to share their own experiences using the recommended questions from the following options:

  • What health and safety issues does the film raise? Can you suggest any solutions? (w,m,s)
  • Do you recognise this type of situation from your own workplace? (w)
  • How would you raise concerns and suggest improvements to this working practice to reduce the risk on acute and chronic back pain? (w)
  • How do you encourage workers to raise concerns and suggest improvements to workplace layout? (m,s)
  • How do you ensure that all staff undertake manual handling tasks in a safe manner? (m,s)
  • How do you ensure organisational measures and necessary equipment are in place to avoid lifting while twisting movements? (m,s)
Kokkuvõtvad küsimused
  • Can you explain the importance of taking the time to identify the hazards associated with lifting and twisting movements? (w,m,s)
  • Can you explain the added value of a team approach to assessing ergonomic hazards and selecting control measures? (w,m,s)
  • Participants can explain the short and long term benefits of assessing repetitive lifting and twisting movements on a personal and organisational level
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