Obiettivi didattici
Participants understand:
- The impact of tasks involving significant physical effort, repetitive movement and poor posture on the worker (w,m,s)
- The need to consider the impact of business-related decisions on worker health (m,s)
- The need to balance productivity, arduous work, safety and health and sustainability (m,s)
- How to raise concerns about changes in working practice that impact on worker health (w)
- How to listen to concerns raised about changes in working practice (m,s)
managers (m) supervisors (s) and workers (w)
Facilitator to introduce Napo, encouraging participants to identify the potential for MSDs. Facilitator to encourage participants to share their own experiences using the recommended questions from the following options. Time permitting the facilitator can lead participants through a compare and contrast exercise after showing ‘Modern Times’ factory work silent film clip with Charlie Chaplin available on You Tube.
The question set remains the same, regardless of whether this additional film clip is viewed:
- What health and safety issues does the film raise? Can you suggest any solutions? (w,m,s)
- Is this good work, if not why not? (w,m,s)
- Is this a supportive environment, if not why not? (w,m,s)
- What types of MSDs could develop in this working environment? (w,m,s)
- Which elements are familiar from your own place of work? (w,m,s)
Domande conclusive
- In your opinion, are your workers and/or co-workers ‘at risk’ and how can you contribute to change? (w,m,s)
- How can you give everyone a voice in your organisation in order that they may contribute to a safe and healthy environment? (m,s)
- Participants can identify tasks involving significant physical effort, repetitive movement or poor physical posture.
- Participants understand the positive benefits of controlling the risks of tasks involving significant physical effort, repetitive movement or poor physical posture.
Risorse necessarie
- Flipchart and pens
- 'Modern Times' factory work silent film clip with Charlie Chaplin available on YouTube (optional)
- Go to video